
Get to know the people behind Küng Blockflöten. Learn more about our shared features, such as our passion for music, joy in our craft, or the ability to create new things together.

Stefan Küng

Managing director

Thomas Küng

Managing director

Lorenz Jörg

Voicing, repairs, and service

Irene Frey

Head of precision carpentry

Lorenzo Lio

Voicing, repairs, and service

Jessica Tognetti

Voicing, repairs, and service

Michèle B.


Cioacchino Fogliaro

Raw processing, surface finish, key construction

Alejandro Mediavilla

Roh- und Oberflächenbearbeitung

Yukiko Yaita

Voicing, repairs, and service

Anton Schostak

Key construction

Caterina Passaro

Surface finish, grinding shop

Juan Ramirez

Head of raw processing, key construction

Pierangela Rosati

Surface finish, grinding shop

Christina Schmidt

Klappenbau, Service, Voicing

Nelly Senyürek


Cèlia Valencia Diaz

